Monday, November 29, 2010

dream on...

There do not seem to be enough hours in the day right now... I have been planning to blog the wonderful photos taken by Jugana of BlackBelo at the Kimberley Seldon Business of Design Vancouver Book Launch two Fridays ago, but I have not had the chance. I still plan to do this today or tomorrow (fingers crossed), but for now I'll leave you with this:

I couldn't sleep last night because I was fantasizing about purchasing my rented condo and renovating it. Dreams of a custom window seat, hardwood-looking-ceramic tile, a new walk in closet, and more kept swirling around in my head. Along with those dreams a vision persisted; I could not get the sofa we saw at IDS West from 18 Karat out of my head.


Keep dreaming and take care,
Lisa (for the Dome Design Team)

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